Could bitcoin be worth $100,000? Here’s what will happen

Could bitcoin be worth $100,000? Here's what will happen

Could bitcoin be worth $100,000? Here’s what will happen

We’re not dealing with an abstract idea, but the economic scenario of Bitcoin at $100,000 is something that industry experts are really thinking about. How come this hypothesis? Simple, the value of Bitcoin, which until a while ago hovered between $4,000 and $5,000, has more than doubled in value in recent weeks. The virtual currency has gone from $4,000 to over $9,000. This scenario has caused a lot of talk.

Bitcoin economic scenario at 100,000: experts talk about important growth

The reasons why experts’ opinions are widely shared are essentially two, and they will have the effect of allowing Bitcoin to reach $100,000. Let’s go into detail to see what these two situations are:

The first reason is the one that sees Bitcoin as a real financial product, which by now goes more in line with the trends of more well-known assets and less as an actual cryptocurrency. In fact, as has happened several times, Bitcoin has been used by many investors as a safe haven asset, a bit like what is usually done by buying gold. This is definitely something that gives a lot of weight to the oldest and most famous cryptocurrency in the world, and it is what is undoubtedly a preponderant element in the growth of its value. This ultimately shows us that for big investors, Bitcoin cryptocurrency represents something more than a virtual currency, but an investment with which to park their money in periods when other options do not guarantee earnings.

The second reason is due to Halving. For those who do not know what we are talking about, we are referring to the increase in the difficulty of Bitcoin extraction, an aspect that as we know leads to make the presence of digital currency on the market rarer and therefore less, and that has as a consequence the increase in demand and therefore the value of the same. We also know that, regarding this currency, there is also another element that makes it soon scarce.

Unlike traditional currency, Bitcoin has a limited quantity, meaning that there can never be more than 21 million Bitcoins circulating. This further limitation will lead to the saturation of the virtual currency, and those who own it will exploit the advantage of being the only ones to have it by making its value grow at the same time as demand. Reason why the concept of scarcity has even more value in this case.

The economic scenario of Bitcoin at 100,000 dollars is therefore anything but far-fetched, on the contrary, the forecasts of the experts are based on data and situations that are certain and in the end not even too far away in time. Moreover, we are told that in recent times there are many institutional investors who are also turning to Bitcoin. It is said that there are many “Big Banks” that have not only turned to this digital currency, but are really hoarding it.

If we go and put all this information together we actually have a positive and definitely encouraging picture of the situation. Although the current value of a Bitcoin is about 9,000 euros, and therefore not very low, those who have capital to invest in Bitcoins could become really rich in a short time if they believe in this possibility. However, the doubling of the value in recent times is a signal that shows us how much this digital currency represents a great opportunity. In fact, even if Bitcoin eventually doesn’t reach the expected $100,000 target, but stops at $50,000 as well, it would still be a more than positive investment.