Why turn to a psychologist?

Why turn to a psychologist?

Why turn to a psychologist?

There are so many people who, every day, wonder why to turn to a psychologist. This profession is often associated with very dangerous clichés. The first is the thought that the psychologist goes only to those who have serious problems (the crazy, of course).

School difficulties of one’s own children

When talking about the situations in which it may be useful to turn to a psychologist, it is impossible not to call into question the junctures in which a parent is faced with school difficulties of their child.These issues can cause parents great concern. For this reason, if the situation does not improve after the first grade, it is time to consult a psychologist. The professional in question can diagnose a possible specific learning disorder (for example, dyslexia), but can also come to the conclusion that the child is having difficulty studying for other reasons.

Uncertainty about one’s future

We live in a world that moves so fast and that, very often, does not give us the chance to think about what we really want. This is true for both study and work. In these cases, it may be useful to turn to a psychologist and investigate more deeply your attitudes and aspirations.

Psychologist, a valid help in case of stress

When our body speaks to us through chronic fatigue, nervousness and abnormal skin manifestations, very often at the base there is a problem of stress. In these cases, it can be very useful to consult a psychologist not only to investigate the causes – many times, taken as we are by the many stimuli that characterize our days, we struggle to understand it – but also and above all to find the right strategies to cope with the situation.

Visit to the psychologist: other aspects to consider

When we talk about the reasons for evaluating contact with the psychologist in a moment of difficulty, it is important to remember that, when calling on this professional, we frame a context where judgment does not take place. This is essential to emphasize: many, in fact, people are afraid to approach the world of psychology for fear of being judged.

In general, the choice to visit a psychologist should be seen as a form of self-care. The definition of health according to the WHO (World Health Organization) also includes everything that concerns the inner well-being and not only the physical one.


Talking about the reasons why it’s worth to turn to a psychologist means, of necessity, to consider the difference between this figure and the psychotherapist. In the latter case, we are talking about a psychologist who, after the qualification, has decided to continue his training for another 4 years.

The difference is also crucial from the point of view of everyday professional life. Psychotherapists, in fact, have the possibility to treat depressed subjects, obviously without the prescription of drugs (this last point must be considered also when talking about psychologists).

Among the tools that the psychotherapist uses to carry out his work there is the therapeutic relationship, a pact that starts with the definition of the objectives of therapy and that, in the case of the cognitive-behavioral approach (one of the most popular orientations), proceeds with an interaction therapist – patient in which the first subject invites the second to change his life gradually through practical tasks to be carried out as the sessions go on.