Author: Angela Bianchi

Ping Test Online: che cos’è e come si fa

Cos’è il Ping Test Online?

Il ping test online è uno strumento utilizzato per misurare la latenza della connessione Internet tra il tuo dispositivo e un server remoto e va dunque a misurare lo stato della tua linea WiFi.

La latenza si riferisce al tempo necessario affinché i dati viaggino da un server a un dispositivo di rete specifico e ritornino indietro. Misurato in millisecondi, questo valore indica la velocità di trasmissione dei dati. Quando la latenza è bassa, i dati vengono scambiati rapidamente e la connessione risulta veloce.

Al contrario, una latenza elevata indica una connessione più lenta in cui i dati impiegano più tempo per essere trasmessi.

 A Cosa Serve il Ping Test?

Il ping test online è utile per diverse ragioni:

  • Valutazione della connessione: Il ping test online ti permette di valutare la qualità della tua connessione Internet. Misurando il tempo di risposta, puoi capire se ci sono ritardi significativi o problemi di latenza che potrebbero influire sulla tua esperienza di navigazione o di gioco online;
  • Diagnosi dei problemi di rete: Se riscontri problemi di connessione o di prestazioni della rete, il ping test online può aiutarti a individuare eventuali ostacoli. Misurando la latenza, puoi identificare se ci sono rallentamenti nella comunicazione tra il tuo dispositivo e il server remoto;
  • Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni: Il ping test online ti consente di monitorare le prestazioni della tua connessione nel tempo. Puoi effettuare test periodici per valutare eventuali variazioni nella latenza e adottare le misure necessarie per ottimizzare la tua connessione.

 Come Eseguire il Ping Test Online

Eseguire il ping test online è un processo semplice. Per prima cosa scegli un servizio di ping test online. Esistono diversi siti web e applicazioni che offrono il servizio di ping test online. Puoi cercare su Internet il ping test online di Selectra e cliccare su “Avvia Test”: il servizio invierà pacchetti di dati al server selezionato e misurerà il tempo di risposta. Dopo aver completato il test, il servizio di ping test online ti fornirà i risultati, inclusi il tempo di risposta (latenza) e la qualità della connessione.

Cosa significa avere il Ping test alto?

Avere un ping alto significa che il tempo di risposta tra il tuo dispositivo e un server remoto è prolungato. In termini pratici, un ping alto indica una maggiore latenza nella connessione Internet. Quando il ping è alto, ci sono ritardi significativi nel tempo necessario per inviare dati da un dispositivo a un server remoto e ricevere una risposta.

Ciò può influire negativamente sull’esperienza di navigazione, di gioco online o di altre attività che richiedono una connessione Internet reattiva. I sintomi di un ping alto includono rallentamenti nella velocità di caricamento delle pagine web, tempi di risposta ritardati durante le comunicazioni in tempo reale o scatti e ritardi nel gioco online.

Un ping alto può essere causato da vari fattori, tra cui congestione della rete, distanza geografica tra il tuo dispositivo e il server remoto, problemi di connessione o di qualità del segnale.

Come faccio ad abbassare il ping?

Per abbassare il ping e migliorare la tua esperienza di connessione, puoi adottare diverse misure:

  • Connessione Internet stabile: Assicurati di utilizzare una connessione Internet stabile e affidabile. Verifica che il tuo modem/router sia correttamente configurato e che non ci siano problemi di connessione o interferenze;
  • Utilizzo di una connessione via cavo: Se stai utilizzando una connessione Wi-Fi, considera di passare a una connessione via cavo Ethernet. Le connessioni cablate tendono ad avere una latenza inferiore rispetto alle connessioni Wi-Fi, specialmente se la rete Wi-Fi è affollata o soggetta a interferenze;
  • Prossimità al router: Se utilizzi una connessione Wi-Fi, assicurati di essere il più vicino possibile al router. Una distanza eccessiva tra il dispositivo e il router può causare una degradazione del segnale e un aumento del ping;
  • Chiusura di applicazioni o servizi in background: Assicurati che non ci siano applicazioni o servizi che consumano larghezza di banda in background mentre utilizzi la connessione Internet. Questi possono includere download, streaming video, aggiornamenti automatici o software peer-to-peer. Chiudi o sospendi tali attività per ridurre la latenza;
  • Utilizzo di server più vicini: Quando giochi online o accedi a servizi che consentono la selezione del server, scegli quelli più vicini alla tua posizione geografica. Riducendo la distanza tra il tuo dispositivo e il server, puoi ridurre la latenza;
  • Aggiornamento del firmware del router: Assicurati di avere l’ultimo firmware installato sul tuo router. Gli aggiornamenti del firmware possono migliorare le prestazioni e la stabilità della connessione;
  • Contattare il provider di servizi Internet: Se hai problemi persistenti di ping elevato, potrebbe essere opportuno contattare il tuo provider di servizi Internet per verificare se ci sono problemi di connessione o se possono fornirti soluzioni specifiche per migliorare le prestazioni.


Capodanno per coppie: 3 idee romantiche

Associare la nostra capitale Roma, la città eterna, con il capodanno e il romanticismo non è nulla di più facile. Non bisogna certo appartenere al jet set, rimembrare il periodo della dolce vita di felliniana memoria o rimpiangere la scena della fontana di Trevi con protagonisti Marcello Mastroianni e Anita Ekberg per vivere momenti di coppia che possano rimanere impressi nei nostri ricordi.

Avvicinare il capodanno e programmare la notte di San Silvestro a Roma cercando momenti di intimità e idee romantiche è semplice.

Anche le location possono rappresentare momenti indimenticabili e si può scegliere di trascorrere un’ occasione imperdibile in tutte le zone capitoline: Roma Nord, l’ Eur, il centro storico e l’esclusiva via Veneto. Vogliamo fornirvi alcune idee che, se gradite, non potranno far altro che farvi vivere momenti indimenticabili e incancellabili, oppure potete andare su, per maggiori dettagli ed informazioni.

Ma quali sono le tre migliori idee romantiche per lasciare impresso un ricordo indelebile in un percorso di coppia e viverlo nella città capitolina?

Le feste nei castelli

Cosa di più magico per trascorrere la notte di capodanno in un castello romano! Luoghi dove la storia si confonde con l’eleganza e l’ambientazione lascia senza fiato.

Il capodanno trascorso in un castello è pensato in modo tradizionale:

  • un aperitivo di benvenuto degustando solitamente flute di champagne o di prosecco;
  • la cena vera e propria dove i migliori chef si impegneranno a stuzzicare i vostri palati in base alle vostre esigenze e tenendo conto della tradizione culinaria italiana;
  • il brindisi per dare l’ addio al vecchio anno e accogliere quello entrante;
  • musica e ballo per affrontare in coppia un momento che rimarrà indelebile nel tempo.

Capodanno in battello

Questa opzione per trascorrere un capodanno esclusivo tra le magnificenze di Roma è davvero unica ed è forse la più gradita dal turista che vuole passare l’ ultimo giorno dell’ anno e il primo di quello nuovo. Navigare il fiume Tevere per poter osservare da un punto di vista inusuale ed originale la città di Roma è un’esperienza che vi lascerà a bocca aperta. E poi i ponti che trasudano storia antica e vita vissuta: ponte Emilio, ponte Milvio, ponte Fabricio, ponte Cestio, ponte di Agrippa, ponte Neroniano, ponte Elio e ponte di Probo, tutti costruiti in epoca romana tra il II secolo avanti Cristo e il II secolo dopo Cristo e gli innumerevoli costruiti in epoche più recenti ma con identico fascino condito da leggenda.

Il programma prevede:

  • un aperitivo di benvenuto;
  • una cena per palati esigenti e per intenditori;
  • un brindisi cullato dal dolce ondeggiare del battello sul fiume.

Il tutto verrà accompagnato da una musica di sottofondo con un dj set all’ avanguardia.

Capodanno a teatro

Un’ altra idea romantica per trascorrere il capodanno nella capitale è per coppie che vogliono trascorrerlo in modo alternativo e andando incontro ad un loro interesse specifico.

Roma offre una notevole scelta di cartellone proprio il giorno di San Silvestro e nei teatri più belli della città (Auditorium della Conciliazione, Teatro Tirso, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Teatro Ghione, Teatro dell’Opera, Teatro Orione) con scelte che possono accontentare coppie di qualsiasi età e con preferenze di spettacoli molto vari e diversi tra loro:

  • la comicità e l’ironia;
  • la magia e il mistero;
  • la danza e il ballo;
  • il musical;
  • la lirica.


Event planner: chi è e come diventarlo

Il ruolo dell’event planner

L’organizzatore di eventi o “event planner” nasce dall’esigenza di avere un ruolo che riuscisse a organizzare accuratamente qualsiasi tipo di evento, che sia un compleanno o un matrimonio, uno spettacolo o un particolare evento sportivo.

Questa figura professionale è importante anche per chi necessita nei piccoli o grandi eventi, qualcuno che sappia cosa bisogna fare per rendere il tutto il più perfetto possibile, proprio perché l’event planner deve dimostrare di riuscire a mantenere un ruolo centrale e di riferimento durante tutta la fase organizzativa tra chi ha commissionato l’evento e gli invitati o ospiti.

Naturalmente il suo ruolo può anche solo ricoprire l’organizzatore di matrimoni o wedding planner, dove invece dovrà solo gestire tutto ciò che riguarda il matrimonio, dalla chiesa o luogo celebrativo, al menù e location dove si festeggerà insieme agli invitati, cercando di dare agli sposi la cerimonia più bella possibile.

Naturalmente dato l’arduo compito che si vedrà affidato l’event planner, sono molto pochi i professionisti del settore che riescono davvero a organizzare al meglio l’evento affidatogli con la qualità eccelsa che ci si aspetta anche dal tipo di evento.

Le responsabilità dell’organizzatore

Le molteplici responsabilità dell’event planner fanno si che tutto deve essere il più preciso possibile, sia che l’evento si basi su un piccolo evento, sia che si tratti di una cerimonia o spettacolo di grandi proporzioni, tanto che a volte l’agenzia che organizza, deve incaricare anche più di un organizzatore pur di assicurasi che tutto vada come previsto.

Non capita troppo raramente che l’organizzazione possa avere problematiche o tempistiche in ritardo causate da inconvenienti che, lungi dall’essere colpa dell’event planner, devono essere risolte nel minor tempo possibile, in quanto queste figure professionali spesso, devono costantemente convivere che ad ogni evento vi potrebbe essere sempre un possibile inconveniente.

Mantenere la scaletta organizzativa in ordine fa sì che l’evento possa svolgersi senza complicazioni, o far sì che non si accavallino le varie fasi o attività durante la cerimonia o lo spettacolo. Chi già invece conosce come saper organizzare al meglio e chi volesse ulteriori info sull’attività degli event planner, andando su si potrà approfondire non solo il suo importante ruolo professionale, ma poter anche vedere nel dettaglio tutti i possibili eventi che si possono organizzare.

Si nasce o si diventa: Le skill necessarie

Poter diventare invece un professionista nel settore può richiedere non solo una preparazione ma delle skills che non sempre si possiedono, nonostante il tipo di studio o competenza lavorativa. Per chi desidera tuttavia riuscire a entrare in questo campo, oltre alla grande passione, può percorrere sia lo studio attraverso corsi preparatori e accademici appositi per event planner o wedding planner, oppure attraverso corsi di laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione o Marketing, oppure laurea in Scienze turistiche o pubbliche relazioni.

Frequentando il corso online ‘Accademia degli Eventi’ si potranno sostenere corsi ed esami atti a formare i nuovi event planner, in modo da potersi non solo istruire adeguatamente, ma poter entrare subito attraverso stage in agenzie dove, insieme a colleghi con maggiore esperienza, essere inizialmente seguiti per poi poter decidere se continuare in un’agenzia o da freelance, con la necessità quindi di dover aprire la partita iva.

Le doti organizzative tuttavia devono essere eccelse, bisogna avere la capacità di riuscire a pianificare in accordo con i propri clienti, tutte le fasi dell’evento nei minimi dettagli, in modo da soddisfare a pieno le esigenze del cliente.

What to do in Turin ( Italy ): Places To Visit, Restaurants, Attractions

Turin is a city which has been the capital of Italy for over 400 years. It is situated in the north-west of Italy and it borders France while its northern suburbs are following Piedmont’s border with Switzerland. Turin is generally known as “the Capital of Italian Industry” because it hosts many international companies such as Fiat, Lancia, Alcoa, Caffaro, Iveco and Ferrero Group. But Turin also offers visitors other attractions: churches to visit like San Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini or Santa Maria di Castello; museums like Museo Egizio (Egyptian Museum) or Museo Nazionale del Cinema (National Cinema Museum); theaters to attend like Teatro Regio (Royal Theatre) or Teatro Carignano.

What to see in Turin: places to visit

Turin has lots of interesting spots that might be worth visiting. For example, it hosts some major museums which have an international reputation among them Museo Egizio (Egyptian Museum) and Mole Antonelliana , the symbol of the city built by architect Alessandro Antonelli as a synagogue but now is used for exhibitions. The building was chosen because its height corresponds exactly to 157 meters – one meter per each year passed since Jesus Christ’s death!

Another where tourists can go is Palazzo Carignano . This is a Baroque style palace built in 1679 which has been used for many purposes throughout the time: from barracks, to theater and it’s also a nice museum nowadays.

The city itself is full of places that are worth seeing such as Piazza Castello where you can find Palazzo Madama , one of the most beautiful buildings not only in Turin but all Italy too! In front there is also Teatro Regio (Royal Theatre) with its gorgeous foyer called Salone d’Onore decorated by frescoes made by Gaetano Merchi between 1835-1837 depicting some important events from history of Piedmont and Savoy. Nearby we have other places that are definitely worth seeing such as Palazzo Madama, Via Po and Piazza Vittorio Veneto where you will find many cafés.

Last but not least, don’t forget to visit Parco del Valentino , a large park with lots of greenery which is great for relaxing or enjoying some sport activities like running or biking!

Where to eat: good restaurants in Turin

Turin has a lot of places where you can find great food. Here we list some of them: Osteria del Boccondivino , Trattoria Milano, Trattoria Papei . These are just three examples among many other wonderful places where you should go if you want to taste traditional Italian cuisine at its best! You won’t regret it!

Of course there are also bars or pubs that offer good food for lunch time too. For example – although maybe not the cheapest option- Pizza Margherita is an excellent choice because they serve delicious pizzas with San Marzano tomatoes (San Marzano tomatoes have a specific taste and are considered the best in the world) as well as good craft beers.

Also, if you happen to be there on a Sunday morning – you should definitely go for brunch at The Roulotte . This is an award-winning restaurant which also offers cooking classes (with macaron making included!).

Where to sleep: where to stay in Turin?

Turin has plenty of places where tourists can find accommodation according to their needs and budgets. From luxury hotels like Grand Hotel Royal or NH Lingotto , located right next to Palazzo Carignano; up to hostels like B&B della Posta Vecchia (which has free wi-fi connection), Il Melograno Pinerolese (breakfast included) or Hotel Milano , you will be able to find the perfect place for your stay.

If it’s a vacation on a budget that you are looking for, instead, there is B&B Suisse  located in Via Cagliari which offers single rooms starting at 27 Euros per person; as well as many other b & bs like The Mockingbird Rooms located near Piazza Carlo Felice where double rooms start at 45 Euros. There are also some good affordable hotels such as Alpi Resort and Hotel Richmond . Both of them have nice wellness areas with sauna and hot tub (available even free if booked via their websites). Affordable but still high quality!

Last but not least, if you are travelling with your family or friends, why not try a holiday home rental ? There are plenty of options available on different websites like Airbnb or TripAdvisor .

What about Turin’s cuisine?

What food can we taste in this city?

Turin has also its own traditional dishes besides Italian ones. The most famous one is Bagna Cauda – an anchovy dip made of garlic oil (although there are other variations too). It was created by chef Giovanni Battista Bordiga at the end of 19 century who was asked to create an unusual dish for king Vittorio Emanuele II and his wife Margherita di Savoia.

Another traditional recipe is Bicerin . This one is a typical drink made of coffee, chocolate and whole milk served in small cups! It’s the perfect way to start your day with something sweet but not too heavy…

There are also many places where you can try more conventional dishes such as risotto alla Milanese or bagna cauda (anchovy dip) which will definitely leave no space for dinner that evening. One of them is Antica Birreria Peroni – this restaurant/pub has been around since 1846 so it must be doing something right! Their specialties include a variety of dishes made with fresh ingredients, high quality meat and a great selection of local wines.

Last but not least, Turin offers many good restaurants to try out some exquisite food! One place where you can have a real Italian experience is Caffè Mulassano . It’s been there for over 120 years so it must be doing something right because nowadays people still come here from all around the world just to taste their delicious cappuccino or pastries carefully prepared by pastry chefs who know how to use only best products! If you are looking for something more traditional go for Trattoria Della Nonna ! This restaurant serves an amazing pasta tasting menu as well as other typical dishes such as duck breast cooked in various ways (I can recommend you the one with prunes!)

Last but not least, don’t forget to try out some of Turin’s sweet specialties such as chocolate or hazelnut gianduiotto which was invented in 1867 by chocolatier Pietro Ferrero. You will find it wrapped in paper at any pasticceria together with other similar products made from candied orange peels, marrons glaces and nuts!

Where do I sleep in Turin?

Where are good places to stay?

Turin has many hotels for all kinds of tourists’ tastes including big international groups like Marriott or Ibis that have recently opened new properties close to the city center. The most famous ones Alpi Resort Hotel & Conference Center and Hotel Majestic Barolo  are top luxury hotels in Turin that also offer special meetings rooms for business purposes.

If you are looking to spend the night with your family then I suggest you book a room at Holiday Inn Express Torino Lingotto Fiere . It’s only few minutes via subway from city center and it has great facilities such as swimming pool, gym and restaurant! Just be careful: holidays in Italy mean long queues so make sure to book your room well before arrival 🙂

The four-star hotel which is closest to Porta Nuova underground station is Mercure Torino Lingotto , just across Autobus Terminal where many bus lines stop – this means easy access by public transport matter if you come from far away! It’s also located very close to Lingotto metro and shopping mall so it can be a good option for people who come here in order to attend some trade show or just shop at these places.

What about Turin attractions?

What is there to see in this city?

Turin has many interesting sites that you must visit if you happen to pass by:  there are famous monuments such as Mole Antonelliana , Egyptian Museum, Royal Palace of Venaria Reale , Palazzo Carignano and others which will give you great insight into the history of Piedmont region where Torino lies today. If you want something more interactive don’t miss National Automobile Museum – they have over 100 cars from around the world including the first Fiat ever built! If you want to spend an afternoon walking around then go for Parco del Valentino , a great place that lies next to Po river and it’s perfect if you’re travelling with your kids because there are many playgrounds, green spaces where they can run free as well as some fountains.

What about my travel guide? What else should I know before visiting this city?

Don’t forget to pick up official map of Turin or download Turin City App which is available on both Android OS and iOS . It has all main attractions listed so you can plan ahead what sites you would like to visit depending on how much time do you have 🙂

The currency is Euro (EUR) and the local VAT is included in prices so foreigners won’t have to pay this extra charge.

How can I get there? How do I go around town?

Turin Loves You 🙂

What else should you know about Turin before visiting it for your holidays or business trips? Where are places where people usually hang out when they visit Torino? What are some restaurants, bars, clubs worth checking out while being here with friends on weekends? Check back soon!

Nintendo Switch: the new retrogames machine?

Nintendo Switch: the new retrogames machine?

In addition to an interesting fleet of titles with major exclusives from Zelda and Super Mario, through gems like Astral Chain and Fire Emblem (without going to bother the upcoming Pokémon Sword and Shield), Nintendo Switch has been able to ride the nostalgic wave of retrogames, hosting a large number of titles that gain further value in portability.

There are millions of users who have been able to enjoy games like Final Fantasy VII on Nintendo’s (for a short time yet) hybrid handset, as well as all those who have played hours and hours of Skyrim, L.A. Noire and other products from the past generation. With the advent of Nintendo Switch Online, then came the Nes titles, to which we now add the Super Nintendo stable.

Nintendo Switch becomes the perfect console for retrogamers and continues to be updated with titles from the past, from old glories to cult products. This is the case of Dragon Quest that will see the first chapters land on Switch. Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line and Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation will be available on Nintendo eshop as individual products. Once again Switch is betting on the future but also playing a lot on the past.

The age of retrogaming

As we read every day on, retrogames are back in the limelight, not only for the nostalgia effect that sees the market appeal to today’s 30 and 40 year olds, but especially for the quality. The works of the past, now available between porting, remakes and retro consoles, are often timeless masterpieces, able to enchant gamers of every era, as only the classics can do.

Similar to what happens with literature, cinema and music, even the world of video games has its classics, titles that every gamer worthy of the name must necessarily face, sooner or later. Here then emerge from the past amazing stories, incredible gameplay and pioneering that we could hardly see in action today. Retrogames show more courage and experimentation that marked an unforgettable era and still sets the standard today.

The most iconic stories, from those of Ocarina of time, to those of a Max Payne or the first Tomb Raider, come back to make players dream, showing how much the videogame market has to offer both in the present and in its most remote past.

Then there is the arcade world, a reality that has practically disappeared, where nostalgia is wasted. The memory of the old booths has led to the return of products such as Neo Geo Mini, and other retro consoles that aim to reproduce in a small way the experience of the arcade. In this look back and continuous return of the old glories, Nintendo Switch seems to have conquered a peak of its own, presenting itself as a modern console and exploiting the technical limitations and portability to give space to the masterpieces of the past.

Why turn to a psychologist?

Why turn to a psychologist?

There are so many people who, every day, wonder why to turn to a psychologist. This profession is often associated with very dangerous clichés. The first is the thought that the psychologist goes only to those who have serious problems (the crazy, of course).

School difficulties of one’s own children

When talking about the situations in which it may be useful to turn to a psychologist, it is impossible not to call into question the junctures in which a parent is faced with school difficulties of their child.These issues can cause parents great concern. For this reason, if the situation does not improve after the first grade, it is time to consult a psychologist. The professional in question can diagnose a possible specific learning disorder (for example, dyslexia), but can also come to the conclusion that the child is having difficulty studying for other reasons.

Uncertainty about one’s future

We live in a world that moves so fast and that, very often, does not give us the chance to think about what we really want. This is true for both study and work. In these cases, it may be useful to turn to a psychologist and investigate more deeply your attitudes and aspirations.

Psychologist, a valid help in case of stress

When our body speaks to us through chronic fatigue, nervousness and abnormal skin manifestations, very often at the base there is a problem of stress. In these cases, it can be very useful to consult a psychologist not only to investigate the causes – many times, taken as we are by the many stimuli that characterize our days, we struggle to understand it – but also and above all to find the right strategies to cope with the situation.

Visit to the psychologist: other aspects to consider

When we talk about the reasons for evaluating contact with the psychologist in a moment of difficulty, it is important to remember that, when calling on this professional, we frame a context where judgment does not take place. This is essential to emphasize: many, in fact, people are afraid to approach the world of psychology for fear of being judged.

In general, the choice to visit a psychologist should be seen as a form of self-care. The definition of health according to the WHO (World Health Organization) also includes everything that concerns the inner well-being and not only the physical one.


Talking about the reasons why it’s worth to turn to a psychologist means, of necessity, to consider the difference between this figure and the psychotherapist. In the latter case, we are talking about a psychologist who, after the qualification, has decided to continue his training for another 4 years.

The difference is also crucial from the point of view of everyday professional life. Psychotherapists, in fact, have the possibility to treat depressed subjects, obviously without the prescription of drugs (this last point must be considered also when talking about psychologists).

Among the tools that the psychotherapist uses to carry out his work there is the therapeutic relationship, a pact that starts with the definition of the objectives of therapy and that, in the case of the cognitive-behavioral approach (one of the most popular orientations), proceeds with an interaction therapist – patient in which the first subject invites the second to change his life gradually through practical tasks to be carried out as the sessions go on.

Could bitcoin be worth $100,000? Here's what will happen

Could bitcoin be worth $100,000? Here’s what will happen

We’re not dealing with an abstract idea, but the economic scenario of Bitcoin at $100,000 is something that industry experts are really thinking about. How come this hypothesis? Simple, the value of Bitcoin, which until a while ago hovered between $4,000 and $5,000, has more than doubled in value in recent weeks. The virtual currency has gone from $4,000 to over $9,000. This scenario has caused a lot of talk.

Bitcoin economic scenario at 100,000: experts talk about important growth

The reasons why experts’ opinions are widely shared are essentially two, and they will have the effect of allowing Bitcoin to reach $100,000. Let’s go into detail to see what these two situations are:

The first reason is the one that sees Bitcoin as a real financial product, which by now goes more in line with the trends of more well-known assets and less as an actual cryptocurrency. In fact, as has happened several times, Bitcoin has been used by many investors as a safe haven asset, a bit like what is usually done by buying gold. This is definitely something that gives a lot of weight to the oldest and most famous cryptocurrency in the world, and it is what is undoubtedly a preponderant element in the growth of its value. This ultimately shows us that for big investors, Bitcoin cryptocurrency represents something more than a virtual currency, but an investment with which to park their money in periods when other options do not guarantee earnings.

The second reason is due to Halving. For those who do not know what we are talking about, we are referring to the increase in the difficulty of Bitcoin extraction, an aspect that as we know leads to make the presence of digital currency on the market rarer and therefore less, and that has as a consequence the increase in demand and therefore the value of the same. We also know that, regarding this currency, there is also another element that makes it soon scarce.

Unlike traditional currency, Bitcoin has a limited quantity, meaning that there can never be more than 21 million Bitcoins circulating. This further limitation will lead to the saturation of the virtual currency, and those who own it will exploit the advantage of being the only ones to have it by making its value grow at the same time as demand. Reason why the concept of scarcity has even more value in this case.

The economic scenario of Bitcoin at 100,000 dollars is therefore anything but far-fetched, on the contrary, the forecasts of the experts are based on data and situations that are certain and in the end not even too far away in time. Moreover, we are told that in recent times there are many institutional investors who are also turning to Bitcoin. It is said that there are many “Big Banks” that have not only turned to this digital currency, but are really hoarding it.

If we go and put all this information together we actually have a positive and definitely encouraging picture of the situation. Although the current value of a Bitcoin is about 9,000 euros, and therefore not very low, those who have capital to invest in Bitcoins could become really rich in a short time if they believe in this possibility. However, the doubling of the value in recent times is a signal that shows us how much this digital currency represents a great opportunity. In fact, even if Bitcoin eventually doesn’t reach the expected $100,000 target, but stops at $50,000 as well, it would still be a more than positive investment.


Visit Croatia: top attractions and islands in the country

Visit Croatia: top attractions and islands in the country

Taking a holiday in Croatia can be a perfect way to find peace of mind, especially during this delicate period in history. Because of the health emergency, many people decide to rent a boat in order to explore as many places as possible.

Best attractions in Croatia

One of the first stops on the journey to Croatia is the Gulf of Kvarner, where you can observe schools of dolphins living in the Adriatic Sea and swimming among the boats in this beautiful land a few miles from Trieste. In this area it is very difficult to find luxurious palaces but it is easier to come across fishing villages that still live in a very old way, enjoying the beauty of nature.

You can visit churches, monasteries and lighthouses such as Santa Maria della Salute in Venice. It is very easy to come across vineyards stretching out towards the sea, and you can enjoy natural elements such as water and sky that create intense landscapes, characterised by the Bora and Griffon Vultures that lend an air of gracefulness to the sea.

The ancient villages of Lošinj and Unije

These two places are particularly suitable for visiting in the company of family or close friends, and thanks to the possibility of using boats that will be guided by the Mistral through the sea, it will be possible to visit the various islands, including that of Unije, which has a 19th century lighthouse, many olive groves and a small village made up only of pastel coloured houses. The next stop is the bay of Maracal on the east coast, which cannot be visited in correspondence with the Sirocco.

The oldest languages

There are signs of time in this dialect, as the presence of Venetians, Turks and Croats can be detected. It is possible to see a small chapel that from the top of the hill encompasses the entire landscape. A few miles away is Mali Lošinj, a much sought-after place thanks to its climate, cuisine and wellness centres.

In the mid-19th century this place boasted more than a hundred sailing ships and four shipyards to build them. There is a splendid bronze sculpture of Apoxyomenos, which was found after underwater fishing in 1996.

Croatian Islands

The lighthouse at Cape Kurila marks the entrance to the Adriatic harbour, where we can see everything from 19th century mansions to more natural elements such as orange and lemon palms. All this is punctuated by golden beaches, blue skies, light winds and a maritime scent. Heading south, you can beat a path to the islands of Velez Srakane and Male Srakane, where you may encounter a few local boats offering seafood, and then pass through the vineyards of Susak, where you can observe beaches dotted with seashells.

The island of Premuda, on the other hand, is continually exposed to the Bora, but retains typical features of the past that make it extremely charming. A few miles further on, the island of Pag has an indented coastline like the Amalfi Coast and is teeming with vineyards, hills and natural features. The island of Cres is a summary of the Mediterranean, where you can listen to the endless chirping of the cicadas and walk along an expansive beach of white pebbles that rise up from the cliffs.

Finally, we reach the island of Rab, through which we can access an old town with walls dating back to the 13th century, where it is possible to observe stone villages and watch impromptu concerts around bonfires.


Samsung Galaxy S10+: review, price and features of the smartphone

Samsung Galaxy S10+: review, price and features of the smartphone

What is the Galaxy S10+? It’s definitely a top-of-the-line device, but is it Samsung’s best smartphone ever or simply an iterative update to last year’s S9+? If you need to answer those questions, here’s an intriguing perspective: can it actually be both at the same time? Below, we bring you a review of the new smartphone, also considering its features and specifications.

Review of the new Samsung Galaxy S10+

Nine years after the original Galaxy S gave birth to Samsung’s flagship smartphone lineup, the S10+ is back to shake up the market in the mobile world, with its hole-free Infinity Display, smaller bezels, three rear cameras, and a – more than anything else – ever-evolving hardware design that still seems quite familiar to all users. You’ll just have to turn on the new smartphone to realize a completely revamped interface that sits on top of Android, so is the S10+ really a pivotal device for Samsung, or just a revamp from the manufacturing company itself?

What is undoubtedly needs to be pointed out is that one of the leading companies in the phone industry is still far from acquiring 5G: this will change very soon when the Galaxy Note10 is launched in the market to steal the spotlight of the S10+, which made us think: what would change if you bought an S10+ months after its release? Would it still manage to retain most of its great specs, even with the impending release of the new Note, or would there be substantial changes to the nature of the smartphone?

Having used the phone for a long time as the only device on a daily basis, it must be said that the constant evolution of Galaxy S has led to the creation of a unique smartphone, although there is the risk that – in the long run – it may seem excessive the price with which it was launched on the market.

This, in fact, is the price with which you can buy the Samsung Galaxy S10+:

  • 8 GB + 128 GB: €1,029
  • 8 GB + 512 GB: 1,279€
  • 12 GB + 1 TB: 1.639€

Samsung Galaxy S10+ technical specifications

  • Screen: 6.44″ dynamic AMOLED HDR10+ WQHD+ (1,440 x 2,960 pixels, 19:9, 438 ppi)
  • CPU: Exynos 9820 with Mali-G76 GPU (in Europe) / Snapdragon 855 (rest of the world)
  • RAM: 8 / 12 GB LPDDR4X
  • Internal memory: 128 / 512 GB / 1 TB UFS 2.1 expandable
  • Rear camera: Telephoto: 12 megapixels, autofocus, f/2.4, OIS, 2x optical zoom (10x digital), FOV 45° + Main: 12 megapixels, f/1.5-2.4, autofocus, OIS, FOV 77° + Ultra-Wide: 16 megapixels, f/2.2, fixed focus, FOV 123°
  • Front camera: 10 megapixels, f/1.9 with autofocus + 8 megapixels f/2.2 fixed focus
  • Connectivity: hybrid dual SIM, LTE Cat.20, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax (2.4/5 GHz), Bluetooth 5.0, GPS, NFC, USB-C
  • Battery: 4,000 mAh with QuickCharge 2.0 / adaptive fast charging and WPC and PMA wireless charging
  • Dimensions: 157.7 x 75 x 7.8 mm
  • Weight: 175 grams
  • OS: Android 9 Pie with One UI


Xiaomi Redmi Go: review, specifications and technical features

Xiaomi Redmi Go: review, specifications and technical features

At a new tech and smartphone-related event, Xiaomi has announced its first Android Go phone, the Redmi Go. It is a low-end device with a 5-inch 7200 16:9 screen, 1 GB of RAM. Obviously, if you are looking for all the best from a smartphone, you can’t find it in this low-end phone, but this smartphone will still be able to do its job in the best possible way.

Review of the new Xiaomi Redmi Go

The new Xiaomi Redmi Go is based on a Snapdragon 425 processor, an 8-megapixel camera, a 3000 mah battery and 8GB of expandable ROM. These are the main features of a smartphone that certainly has nothing to envy to all the counterparts in the field of telephony.

The Redmi Go is certainly not the best smartphone model on the market, but there is no need for it to be: Xiaomi is approaching the prices of the best manufacturing companies, indeed: the Redmi Go is even cheaper than competitors such as the Nokia 1, with an affordable price of about 70 euros.

Technical characteristics of the new Xiaomi Redmi Go

The new Xiaomi Redmi Go is based on a 6.26-inch WaterDrop 720p display, a snapdragon 632 processor, a 4000mah battery, RAM ranging from 2 to 4GB capacity and a 12-megapixel camera with a 2-megapixel deth sensor. Of course, a headphone jack, a USB port and an IR Blaster are also present.

Xiaomi Redmi Go is based on the Sony IMIX 586 sensor for the Dual camera, different than the new Xiaomi models such as the Redmi 7 that feature real gems on the market. The design of the smartphone is simple (and is a natural continuation of Xiaomi MI9), and is able to offer a combination of high performance and mobility.

The body of the smartphone is made of aluminum alloy and glass, which is great for both stability and true aesthetics, while the IPS display is 5 inches in size with HD offering a resolution of 720*1280 pixels. The pixel density is 294 PPI and the display is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3, as well as a 2.5D curved glass screen.

The smartphone is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 MSM8917 processor and ARM Cortex A53,1400 MHz. The internal memory is supported by Android 8.1 Oreo Go Edition operating system to run the smartphone. The internal memory is 8 GB. The smartphone is available in different colors (black and blue) which gives the user a stylish and fancy look. The device is also available through Dual SIM.

Technical specifications of Xiaomi Redmi Go

  • Model: Xiaomi Redmi Go
  • Released: January 2019
  • Status: Available
  • Dimensions: 70.1 x 140.4 x 8.4 mm
  • Weight: 137 grams (with battery)
  • Waterproof: No
  • Display: IPS
  • Size: 5 in (inch)
  • Resolution: 720 x 1280 pixels
  • Display colors: 16 million colors
  • Pixel Density: 294 ppi (pixels per inch)
  • Touchscreen: Yes
  • Display Protection: Corning Gorilla Glass 3
  • Features: Capacitive, Multi-touch, Scratch Resistant
  • CPU: ARM Cortex-A53, 1400 MHz, Cores: 4
  • GPU: Qualcomm Adreno 308, 500 MHz
  • RAM (Memory): 1 GB, 667 MHz
  • Internal Memory: 8 GB
  • Memory card slots: microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC
  • Sensors: Proximity, Light, Accelerometer, Compass
  • Operating System: Android 8.1 Oreo Go Edition
  • User Interface: Yes
  • Camera: Rear camera 7.99 MP (megapixel)
  • Image: 3264 x 2448 pixels
  • Video: 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • Flash: LED
  • Front Camera: 7.99 MP (megapixel)
  • Network: SIM, Nano SIM, Dual SIM, Nano-SIM / microSD
  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi, B, G, N, Wi-Fi Hotspot, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi Display
  • USB: 2.0, Micro USB
  • NFC
  • Wireless Charging: No
  • Headphone jack
  • Battery: 3000 mAh, Li-Polymer
  • Placement: Yes
  • Data: 4G LTE
  • Speed: LTE 800 MHz LTE 850 MHz LTE 900 MHz LTE 1700/2100 MHz LTE 1800 MHz LTE 1900 MHz LTE
  • 2100 MHz LTE 2600 MHz LTE-TDD 1900 MHz (B39)